A magical XR experience with ​an umbrella device to make ​people grow fond of the rain.

National Tsing Hua University LumiSound XRLab


Mahōo is an XR experience exploring the link between nature ​and emotions, inspired by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) ​and mixed feelings about rain. Using a custom umbrella-like ​device and VR, it reimagines rain as a source of vitality, ​promoting mental health awareness and a deeper connection ​with the environment.

Rain Weather Forecast

The Project title "Mahōo" is a combination of the ​English word "magic" and the Taiwanese word for ​"rain" (hōo), while also being a homophone of the ​Japanese word for "magic"

This fusion of languages and meanings reflects the ​essence of the experience—blending magic and rain ​to create a unique and immersive journey.


Five to Eight minute experience experience

Participants begin on a dim, rain-soaked street. Picking up ​the umbrella and stepping into a puddle transports them to ​a vibrant fantasy realm with a playful gnome-like guide. ​Using the umbrella—appearing as a giant flower in VR—​they gather clouds, summon rain, make flowers bloom, ​and dance joyfully. Returning to the rainy street,, they find ​the once-gloomy street now lined with blooming flowers, ​symbolizing rain’s power to nurture life.

Three Innovation Features

XR Experience with an Interactive Umbrella Device

Mahōo utilizes a WEMOS LOLIN D32 ESP32 board, powered ​by a 3.7V lithium battery, to collect real-time bending data ​via a flex sensor on the umbrella’s frame. The data is ​transmitted via WebSocket to Unity, synchronizing the ​physical umbrella with its virtual counterpart, a blooming ​flower. The handle integrates off-the-shelf modules, 3D-​printed parts, and a modified transparent umbrella, with ​ultra-fine enameled wires minimizing visual distraction ​and enhancing immersion.

Narrative Driven by Interactions with Virtual Character

Mahōo’s story unfolds through interactions with a playful ​gnome, guiding players to spin the umbrella to gather clouds, ​open and close it to summon rain, make flowers bloom, and ​dance in the downpour. Each task deepens the narrative, ​turning raindrops into symbols of life and magic. Future plans ​include optimizing motion detection for two-way interaction, ​enhancing immersion. By blending interactive storytelling ​with engaging design, Mahōo encourages participants to ​reconnect with nature while celebrating rain as a life-giving, ​magical force.

Multisensory Experiences and Fantasy Elements to Help People Embrace the Rain

Through multisensory experiences and fantasy elements, ​Mahōo transforms rain into a source of wonder. The playful ​umbrella design lets users control the rain in a virtual world, ​enhanced by chiming sounds, vivid visuals, and interactive ​feedback. By reshaping perceptions, it helps children who ​fear gloomy weather see rain as an opportunity for ​exploration and growth, rather than discomfort. Mahōo ​reimagines rainy days, shifting them from symbols of ​melancholy to emblems of life and vitality.

Feedback from experiencers

“A heartwarming tale of childlike wonder and ​humanistic insight, filled with warmth and ​delicate finesse—leaving you deeply moved.”

——Professor of Art and Technology

“Participants can intuitively and authentically ​experience and control the sensations of ​different stages of rainfall.”

——Professor of Computer Science

“Waving the umbrella feels like casting a ​spell—effects change instantly, making it ​super fun!”

——Graduate Student from National Tsing Hua University

“This device makes rain fun! Interacting with ​the gnome shows that rain isn’t so bad—it’s a ​vital part of our world and a great experience.”

——Graduate Student from National Tsing Hua University


Team Leader

Graduate student at NTHU GIAT, ​passionate about tech-art and ​anthropology, dedicated to ​blending new media with ​interdisciplinary knowledge. Also ​skilled in visual design, VR creation, ​and field research.

Our Team



Team Member​

Team Member​

Graduate student at GIAT, National​ Tsing Hua University. Skilled in​ tailoring, pattern making, 3D​ modeling, and installation design.​ Bo-Yu explores innovative​ possibilities by experimenting with​ various materials.

Chen is a set and sound designer ​specializing in theatre, dance, and ​various types of performances. ​Recently, actively engaged in ​sound art and contemporary ​music composition.



Director of LumiSound XRLab; passionate about sound, virtual art, and interdisciplinary research; dedicated to crafting immersive experiences that inspire creativity and connection.

Contact us


Graduate Institute of Art and Technology, ​College of Arts, National ​Tsing Hua University

No.521, Nanda Rd., East ​Dist., Hsinchu City 30014, ​Taiwan (Nanda Campus ​Second Student Activity Center 3F)

Contact Information

Call: +886 0978215112

Email: mahooxr@gmail.com

Business Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 5:00 pm


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